Saturday 18 September 2010

heat conduction

heat conduction, visible way to make water heating, heat loss of a large, hot conversion efficiency of only -%. are using the world's first thermal plasma technology, the instant of collision of metal ions in water temperature, which means that the heat, there is no heat conduction, heat radiation, visible way. so the energy conversion rate of . % less power than conventional water heater, save money. health and beauty traditional water heaters only heat water, heat up the water can only play a role in cleaning. LANXESS ion spa bath device metal ion collisions using mineral water P90X to produce energy, so the outflow from the water bath device is ionized water, because water molecules in minerals under the impact of metal ions to change, so change the hard water soft water, improve water quality. to change the water The PH value of the human body to produce beneficial alkaline ionized water, alkaline ionized water p90x workout can inhibit and kill bacteria effect
especially in inhibiting bacteria read more obvious. long-term use of the significant health care role . the LANXESS ion spa water bath allows the impact of metal ions in the process of changing the molecular structure of water so that water molecules become smaller, beneficial water molecules penetrate through the skin surface skin cells, to the skin of the insulation, cosmetic effect. safe traditional principle p90x dvd set that thermal water heaters, water must be high-power high-temperature heat heat wire transfer water quickly to achieve instant hot demand. requires a dedicated power line, the general requirements - mm in order to ensure the process does not appear to use the power line overload situation, which requires the original family re-routing power lines, caused great inconvenience. while traditional water heater must be electric wire heating water then heat energy conduction warming, there is dry heat of silk or heat pipe phenomenon

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