Sunday 26 September 2010

34, rapid weight loss

34, rapid weight loss: to buy 22 state-owned tea oolong tea, oolong tea drink a week can quickly melt fat and promote fat metabolism, to achieve weight loss, can herve leger prevent the occurrence of obesity. concentrated tea 35, longevity secret: regular exercise, do not worry about gas, year after year to keep eating sweetened garlic, sweetened garlic is the best medicine to extend life, it can kill many harmful bacteria in vivo. 36, irregular menstruation: the Soviet Union to the countryside to take cotyledon 22, after the hot bubble can drink four cups of light by heavy drinking were more than a few days, it can soothe the nerves of available Tiaojing effect on dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities are large cold effects. 37, Shao Baitou: 500 grams with fan shells scallops Jianshui shampoo, wash once herve leger dress a day to wash 6-8 times, so that in the long black hair out of crude, such as old age can be particularly large multi-wash several times.
38, rough skin, become tender: Every night I wipe her face with an egg, wash with water after an hour, if often rub the skin more tender. 39, periarthritis , low back pain, sciatic, back off: the earth element on the Bie a seven baking ashes, rice wine 72, were placed inside a bottle of bubbles seven days and nights, 7 o'clock every night to drink wine seven money, and with his fist hard naughty play nine affected area looked under 77, who was seriously ill treatment can cure a few more services. 40, TB recipe: 500 grams of herve leger bandage dress live pupae into a go-between research and the use of fire for drying, each one with 3-5 grams 2 times, served up, the effect is very good, this side is the Institute of Chinese Medicine to provide.

25, visual impairment how to do

25, visual impairment how to do: make a little shredded dried apricot leather pillows can be eye-catching repose. on the vision changes. See wind tears myopia moncler hyperopia and others have a certain effect. 26, hand and foot gap: medicinal rheumatism ointment, paste in the affected area, can be removed after a long day of good crack shot. 27, dermatitis tips: the grated line melon leaves redness in the affected area until the friction, one in seven 3 times a day rub, severe cases can be cured Lianyong 6. 28, rhinitis: a drop of sesame oil with a cotton ball dipped on the nose straight out after 15 minutes 2-3 days, three times a day, serious Multi-2. can also be inserted vinegar garlic bulb nose.
29, high blood pressure: fresh moncler jackets kelp 22, make a bowl of seaweed soup, do not put inwards while the vegetables, fasting drink, you can even serve on the 10th , kelp can quickly restore normal blood pressure. 30, kidney: 100 grams of fresh beans Jiang, boiled water add some salt, take 3-5 days before each meal restore health, such as frequently eating on the physical effects of strong force Best. 31, faces speckle method: Soak apricots will post peeled, smashed drunk, plus an egg white and mix thoroughly, every night before bed, next morning wash with white wine until the spot back. 32, stomach rule of civil law: Take Redskins into the egg shell 20 on the tile on the use of fire for drying research into the go-between, taking with sugar, drink a teaspoon of pre-service, 2 times a day, served up, this side is very precious, while calcium and rickets are moncler sale extremely effective. 33, or injured tendons: the leek mash, a little less of the little boy in urine, swelling can be affixed to the wound a few hours Three days later, can return to normal.

18, oral inflammation

18, oral inflammation: a pear a day sooner or later, and slowly swallow, to keep 3-4 days, and immediately improved. serious condition can also be used The Treatment christian louboutin of. 19, coronary heart disease: 50 grams of soy beans, cooked and ate eat right amount of salt added 3-4 days, the party not controlling the development of coronary heart disease, especially vision, fall ill after the re-use this side. 20, treatment of migraine Tip: stick with white Luobu Pi both sides of the temple, posted 20 minutes per night, up to quick, no pain do not need to paste first, and this side up attending dizziness brain. 21, treatment hemorrhoids recipe: urea 32 to open up the pot to brew into the wet towel will dry up christian louboutin shoes after the twist bench Teng.
the first 10 minutes three times a day, seven days Teng side. can be cured within the external hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse of the anus . 22, rapidly stimulate the secretion of milk: sesame fried, adding a little salt, preferably beginning 10 days pre-eat meals for non-staple food, can quickly increase breast milk, eat more milk come faster. 23, the treatment of insomnia tips: The Big Onion chopped on the small cap, the small cap before going to sleep to be safely placed in the pillow to sleep for several days to cure, those who could christian louboutin sale not sleep all year round, border treatment of 5 days to go to the root. 24, heart disease: sooner or later each day to eat 50 grams of pineapple the best 5-7 days, 2 years would not fall ill, fall ill after eating again and then once every seriously ill person days eating twice a firm condition can be.

10, how do bloody nose

10, how do bloody nose: when nose bleeding, the patient is placed supine, the opposite hand to hold high the nose and eye, points automatically sealed, blood can herve leger immediately stop. 11, Fishbone card throat: the throat with a vinegar rinse, and then slowly swallow, repeated several times can be cured. 12, beriberi tips: vinegar pound, the vinegar into the bowl, soak or bathe daily twice, each time for about an hour, anti-inflammatory bacteria, can cure feet of, and simple, effective and fast, light cure those four days.
13, after the disease deafness, tinnitus: garlic smell of urine from a cat nose cat. Ear Drops three times a drop or two of cat urine can cure illness deafness. tinnitus can be herve leger dress baked snakeskin ash, blowing your ear, tinnitus can be cured with blowing three times. 14, a new method of control of diabetes: a pound of fresh corn kernels . amount of boiling water to maize after flowering in four daily bowl, this side can not go to the root, can only control the disease. can reduce blood sugar. there is swelling of increased urine of the patients took the results are particularly good. 15, sleep snoring teeth: I sleep with a piece of orange peel, with 15 minutes 3-5 times after the spit can cure respiratory teeth. 16, foot odor, feet sweating: Alum research into the go-between, rub feet feet herve leger bandage dress hearts after 10 minutes 3-4 times longer sweat does not stink. can keep seven or eight months. 17, epilepsy claw crazy: A worm, alum and a half into the bowl using the two open white water Chong opened. a bowl of early morning fasting, even drinking 10 days.

Saturday 25 September 2010

2004 年 10 months

2004 年 10 months, ANTA and the Chinese Basketball Association released a shock to China's sports industry news: Anta spend 60 million yuan, sponsor for three consecutive years Chinese Basketball League, and became the CBA league sports equipment is the only designated partner. According to reports, in accordance with the conventional practice moncler of sports marketing, including investment in product development, marketing and other costs of the project, Anta sponsors CBA is expected to exceed the cost of inputs 120 million yuan.
the news broke, to moncler jackets attract the mainstream media have reported, but the caliber are surprisingly similar: national brand to break the monopoly of the domestic top international brand pattern of events, the sports brand Anta started competing domestic market horn. for ANTA and China and Asia's top basketball event of cooperation, industry insiders say, Anta cooperation with the CBA Professional League, not only speed up the CBA moncler sale Professional League in the market process, it will push forward the national sports industry, promoting their specialization improvement. ANTA brand already integrated into the core of the spirit of modern sports, from the active support of major sports events in China since taking on the common development of China's sports the way .

Anta leader in the eyes of professional brand need a professional event in

Anta leader in the eyes of professional brand need a professional event in shaping the professional events do need a professional product support, professional products do need the help of professional media to promote. is aware of this principle, the implementation of sports marketing, advertising strategies, Anta particularly fond of the CCTV-5 platform. 2004 年 1 1st, China formally signed the famous P90X volleyball players Feng Kun Anta, as spokesman for their products, This is the Chinese women volleyball team after a lapse of 17 years regained the world title in volleyball after the world and even the whole sports sector broke a highlight. a beautiful double winners, a comeback, Feng Kun and women's volleyball team as their indomitable fighting spirit Anta outlined several gold can not just expressed, it is a spirit, an attitude, a movement out of sublimation p90x workout itself.
with the spirit of promoting women's volleyball, ANTA brand meaning are rich and elaborate. has been Anta regarded as the sports marketing business to create first-class magic. Anta sponsors many top domestic competition, from the CBA Professional League to the National Volleyball League, from CUBA to extreme sports, couple slippers take on truck market - Industry News - highlights shoes network, to the Tenth p90x dvd set National Table Tennis Super League China's top track can be seen on Anta's shadow. After a long professional event shape, Anta's professional image has been accepted by the people from 2001 to 2004, the ANTA sport shoes market share in the industry for the first four consecutive years All this can not be said that the credit Anta Sports Marketing.

and in the Battle of the extraordinary Er

and in the Battle of the extraordinary Er, I appreciate. held earlier in the CBA league, ANTA has also held planning Fans can not only free watch CBA League and the chance to get a limited edition All-Star boots. 2005 年 1 month, in the CBA All-Star Game held on the eve of ANTA Company and the Chinese Basketball Association jointly organized christian louboutin a Star lineup to win the All-Star equipment Anta Business development of Beijing Yan Xiaomin, general manager of advertising giant basket commented: previous CBA All-Star selection, the highest number of network participants, but three million, while the participation and promotion of the Anta, received good results, Anta not only promote the CBA's professional level, but also to promote the CBA All-Star Game's commercialization.
signing voice, creating a new situation sports marketing in 1999, Anta Kong Linghui contract began with the Chinese Table Tennis ANTA the cause of the indissoluble bond the ball, christian louboutin shoes no doubt, the Chinese table tennis as an Olympic Medals specialized households, is the pride of Chinese people, but also the eyes of the foreign table tennis player, Shape-ups Chart carry over 300 pairs of shoes the Spanish arrived in South Africa's World Cup Adidas and Nike battle dominance of special steps to help board performance shoes built into the deep cultural connotation of high-tech christian louboutin sale leaders Pick Erke Order number seven wolves of interest in charitable contributions to developing China's top league CBA packaging to break monopoly international brands starting from the creation of the brand, Anta put brand positioning as a professional sports brand.

After 15 years

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the same year, the fourth sponsored by the National City Games, the World School Games, the Beijing International Marathon, the Thirteenth Asian Games; sponsored the Sydney Olympics in 2000; in 2001, actively involved in the bid campaign, has sponsored Fujian, Chongqing, Heilongjiang, Hainan Province sports delegation to accept the award four equipment, participate in the World University Games. herve leger dress 2004 年 8 months, the Athens Olympic Games in full swing in, Anta people are always concerned about the voice of the results, as above the national anthem at the Olympic volleyball herve leger bandage dress venue sounded Anta women members who witnessed the style, is to promote the progress of the Chinese volleyball. 2002 年 4 months, ANTA and the main force of China's national basketball team players, NBA players signing Battle, Battle hired as a spokesman for ANTA product image to become the first historic Anta an NBA player in the foreign arena wearing a Chinese sports brand; in June 2003, ANTA and the Battle to share the first-ever NBA championship Asian players get the glory. With the Battle of Wal gone, ANTA will brand extended to a wider context.

Sunday 19 September 2010


Misunderstanding : I, large pores, convergence is more appropriate make-up water me! Europe like twelve poems rhyme Ya fact, this is completely an illusion. Convergence of make-up water, or other convergence product, as with some alcohol content, can play a role in convergence, but only temporarily open pores can return to the normal moncler closed state, or large pores from the outside to improve the visual impression, but not really so thick pores smaller. and often heavy use of alcohol will be skin toner composition, especially dry and irritate sensitive skin, so be careful to use Caixing.
confrontation strategy do not want to entirely their faith in the restraining water, the oily skin and combination skin oil secretion in the summer and more appropriate use of some,moncler jackets while dry skin and aging skin is best to use non-alcoholic do routine maintenance work, use some firming essence, there may be better results. Wrong : I have a strawberry nose, tearing-type mask a more thorough clean-up Black! Europe like twelve poems rhyme Ya tearing type frequently used to oil, firming facial mask or nasal moncler sale membranes, makes the user's skin over the hard-line tear in the more fragile and relaxation under the influence the normal function of the skin, and even premature aging. br confrontation strategy the tearing-type to type, or cotton-type carrier cleaning mask it, they also have a very good cleaning effect, and will not harm the skin. Mistakes : I am a sister spot, liquid foundation hiding power must be strong!

If you use too much soap or oil products to clean the face

If you use too much soap or oil products to clean the face, the skin surface of the protective film may be damaged, Lack of water, resulting in large pores and other issues. After a lot of people use oil control cream, the skin will feel dry, this time need a moisturizing P90X cream, supply water directly from the underlying skin and soothe the skin, without adding burden to the skin surface. can also choose some moisturizing function of oil-free moisturizing jelly. Even if the need for further oil control, moisturizing products to prepare a fresh point is not superfluous. Misunderstanding : I am pox muscle, skin need for complex maintenance!
Ou Ya Yun Shi ready complicated skin acne skin care products will increase the burden of skin prone to redness, suppuration, pain free. Doudou maintenance mode is not the face the more p90x workout detailed the better the more carefully Instead, a simple suitable, skin care products as long as a refreshing, moisturizing effect can not arbitrarily add other complex functions of skin care products. confrontation strategy uninstall, cleansing to be separated, because only the oil points Makeup Remover to completely clear the same oily cosmetics. insist on using a dedicated wash skin acne soap or cleansing agent, p90x dvd set soap and alcohol free ingredients and will not irritate the acne further. with special auxiliary wash sponge for oily skin becomes fresh. Also, to note that many people are used to treat acne with acne paste, in fact, just the smoke to deal with acne acne paste is more effective for emitting pus of smallpox pox only worse.

cold milk pouch to pouch There are many causes

cold milk pouch to pouch There are many causes: lack of sleep and age are among the reasons. In particular, over the age of years of age, skin metabolism slow down, coupled with loss of skin flexible and more prone to eye bags. But we all know that milk whitening effect, apply around the eye can also dilute the eye socket, while the frozen milk, christian louboutin but also improve the situation of eye puffiness. a. milk in first refrigerator ice, then pour in a clean cotton pad. b. deposited on the eyelids for minutes, make your skin smooth and detailed reply. Vaseline Vaseline lip membrane certainly know more than has the efficacy of the skin, which is rich in vitamin A, can rapidly penetrate to the inner skin and lock in moisture. So for the most vulnerable and fragile lips dry, not greasy Vaseline easy soluble in water, sustainable water balance to maintain lips. a. lips coated in a thick layer of Vaseline, about minutes to sweep soft toothbrush to wipe the lips of dead skin. b. Cover with plastic wrap in the lips, christian louboutin shoes and then in fresh Rubbing hot paper towel, before putting the minutes. MEYLY Do not be so-called Instead of getting better, but become worse? In fact, you are those skin. a misunderstanding: I am the oil skin, oil control need to ruthlessly!
Europe like twelve poems rhyme Ya skin due to frequent contact with everyday life outside the environment, heat, air conditioning, wipe, indoor and outdoor temperature difference, etc., christian louboutin sale will make a huge loss of water in the skin, the skin's natural protective barriers mm water lipid membrane appears would make the situation more oil intensified. confrontation strategy select targeted products, cleaning must be in place.

about minutes

about minutes, then wash with water. Cleansing Oil to Black can not think about not only remove cosmetics Cleansing Oil, to remove more stubborn blackheads. for the annoying black heads, some people choose to squeeze hard, some people choose to paste the nose blackhead, but both will expand the pores, remove blackheads is to remove, but growing up herve leger now pores, the blackheads may be the next to grow more. Why not try using the Cleansing Oil to Black, a bland and will not cause skin sensitization. a. Royal makeup oil paint in the nose. b. after covered with plastic wrap or facial oil paper, in order to slow the wind blowing the nose hair dryer to about seconds, and then cleaning, the last picture on the toner.
Oil Control Mask tomato Tomato Rich in vitamins and plant fiber, is skin care, facial improvements and more oil and keep the skin moisture balance, of which the acid component, more effective pores, summer oil control as the best natural materials. a. the half herve leger dress tomato juice and to gauze filters to remove waste. b. joined pores are compact protein mix effect, deposited in the surface for minutes, then wash. cheese is not only skin whitening need whitening, both hands can also benefit. a lot of time we only whiten the face, often overlooked because of labor hands. dark, fine lines are the hands herve leger bandage dress of the killer, cheese, creamy and moist on the skin whitening effect, to make dark and rough Instant translucent gloss white hands feeling smooth. a. Pour a bottle of yoghurt in a transparent plastic gloves. b. start kit to hand sets, dip at about minutes, then wash with water can be Slide your hands back so white.

Saturday 18 September 2010

heat conduction

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especially in inhibiting bacteria read more obvious. long-term use of the significant health care role . the LANXESS ion spa water bath allows the impact of metal ions in the process of changing the molecular structure of water so that water molecules become smaller, beneficial water molecules penetrate through the skin surface skin cells, to the skin of the insulation, cosmetic effect. safe traditional principle p90x dvd set that thermal water heaters, water must be high-power high-temperature heat heat wire transfer water quickly to achieve instant hot demand. requires a dedicated power line, the general requirements - mm in order to ensure the process does not appear to use the power line overload situation, which requires the original family re-routing power lines, caused great inconvenience. while traditional water heater must be electric wire heating water then heat energy conduction warming, there is dry heat of silk or heat pipe phenomenon


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A: hyaluronic acid injection as the injection of beauty will not Botox or collagen produced by exclusion of allergy to reflect, no toxic side effects, a normal reaction after the injection is slightly red, swollen, about - days all symptoms will disappear. but also note the following points must be emphasized: , within hours after injection, injection pressing against the touch area. , days after injection, moncler the sun is not strong, fumigation or to the extremely cold place. , aspirin and other anti-clotting ban medication for several days. , injection of - weeks, lumps in the local sense, but it will soon be soft. Q: Dr. Zhou Changbing, prospects for injectable hyaluronic acid do? A: Simply put currently continuing improvement in hyaluronic acid, the particles aggregate amount of new products, more and more now, have been applied to the clinical major grain hyaluronic acid, directly into the body's skin deep, moncler jackets not only can be maintained up to years, and the application increasingly broad scope.
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Sunday 12 September 2010

he the one hand

he the one hand, teaching and educating and training young people, on the one hand an active part in the 1911 Revolution. He led the native literary group Ministry of Education office, and soon moved to Beijing with the Ministry of Education, appointed the first chief of the Social Education Department, also has employed in Peking University, Beijing Higher Normal School, Beijing Women's Higher Normal School and P90X some other institutions of higher learning, as school part-time lecturers . after the victory of the Russian Revolution, Lu Xun was encouraged, and zhao, Chen and other progressive intellectuals at that time with many, writing articles, magazine, and opened a prelude to China's May 4th Movement. He stood against imperialism and feudalism the forefront of actively promoting a new culture, new ideas, new morality, lashed several thousand years old culture, old ideas, old ethics .1918, he published the first history of modern literary vernacular novel Symbolic Method, p90x workout mercilessly exposed the feudal society in China for thousands of years to eat human nature, a strong indictment of the feudal ethical code and the evil feudal patriarchal clan system.
Since then, Lu Xun's stance, creating a In the summer, leaving the northern warlords entrenched Lu Xun in Beijing, south of Xiamen, Xiamen University as a professor of Chinese literature, and early member of the National Institute Professor of .1927, Lu Xun they want to switch to the revolutionary center of Guangzhou, Zhongshan University, served as Chair of Chinese at the same time act as Academic Director, while engaged in education and literature, while the fighting into the new. p90x dvd set In the same year in April, counter-revolutionary coup, Lu Xun has withstood the test of the reign of terror, because to rescue the students not fruit, angry resignation. the lesson of blood in front of the formation of Lu Xun's early years concept of social development, profound changes have taken place, he severely dissected his own ideas, to correct only the letter of the past evolution of the part in establishing Lu Xun to Shanghai, from settled down to focus on the revolutionary art movement .1928 and Yu founded Sentinel , has written hundreds of articles essays.

Friday 10 September 2010

until the 70's

until the 70's, the writing achievement were gradually affected by attention. his life to short stories and poetry works mainly the launch of this card includes almost Collectio herve leger The most important of all Buddhist short stories, known as br> My friend Mel. was constantly saying. Mel. is a heart doctor, sometimes, such status had given him to speak with authority.
four of us around Mel herve leger dress sat beside the table drinking gin house. from the pond behind the sun shone through the large windows filled the kitchen. four years have I, Mel, Mel's second wife Terui Sa (we called her special Rui) and my wife Laura. when we lived in Albuquerque. but we are coming overseas.
ice bucket was placed on herve leger bandage dress the table. gin and tonic water are constantly passed around go, I do not know how, we love to talk about this topic will come up. Meyer believes that true love is spiritual love. He said he left to go to medical school, has spent five years in the theological yard, he that recalled those days in the seminary, still think that it is most important in his life time.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

a bottle of white wine, a goblet

a bottle of white wine, a goblet, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, neatly arranged in the nightstand. dark through the curtains into the weak the sun, under a dark bed curtain, Lin Qing sat on the bed. a glass of wine you'll feel the sweet feel very Qing Lin, another drink or sweet. After two glasses of wine, Lin Qing unparalleled body relaxed, but the heart But even more depressing. a cigarette, Diao in the mouth, the way school men smoke, but still choked her. P90X I am 16 years old and her husband to love, and along the way, can be considered happy, why is today like it. is my restless heart in trouble, or my husband's derailment then driven to revolt; that God arranged for me and I met the sea, or I do not have to dominate up their hearts. think of this, Lin Qing force of rubbing the hands his hair, and shouted the voice of the hysteria out of tune. Qing Lin curled up in bed, no tears to cry after a while, she calmed many. she looking for someone to talk p90x workout to, be, and who said it, her husband can not, over the sea can not, nor can family members, she thought of the In the effort to climb it.
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dull marriage, and family have scattered, and this the bitter fruit of his own wine, ah, Lin Qing feel that their bile all broken, the heart was full of bitter bile.

certain amount

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several places, there are luxury cars. Thanks to those exposed in the property, the math, they do not add up the wages of two life arrived in a small fraction of this number!

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front of consideration, as the overall interests of the Well, just talk about it. he could not mind, because he was where to put hh ah?! according to the standard view, our

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Thursday 2 September 2010

obtained one year after the large and small

obtained one year after the large and small,essentially all of the network that year,the awards competition,the more prizes and more,my position at home also will more and more,I do not have to play the role of a clown,I am human and I want to prove a stronger person than you should.then,in order to understand South Korea network game information,I went to register the Korean class,that where I met my other half,who can in every possible way to take care of my love,Oh,christian louboutin I am 24 years old,we're not married,but we lived together 3 years,her appearance has changed me completely,she is really good,so I slowly turned into a rebellious,a little fool now.She strongly between me and my family circle and Let me and my family relationships become more harmonious up,then I got a match tour of Australia double prize,unfortunately I do not have a deposit of 300,000,and organizers replaced Bali Brunei,I live in Brunei to six-star Imperial christian louboutin shoes Hotel,the day I cried every time I get some of my favorite things when I will cry,until now the problems there.came back I was invited to work Sohu 17173 until today,I love my job,this is a dynamic work,my thoughts and my feelings suppressed two decades has been perfect in relief work,in my day had just entered the Fuzhou ,towards the sky I said,I belong here,this city is waiting for,I often buy a lot of things,comic books,ah,ah toys,remote control cars,ah,I can only know that a child's name not touching things I have to have all of it back each time to buy things when looking at them,I will sad for some time,this is a complex interlacing of my own emotional comfort,although there are many in this world is not satisfactory,but we mainly stand up strong ran towards the future,believe in yourself,always successful.I often and she said,so I have a son,I will give him the best in the world ,and must be,and he became a man,I can not have me over to him,I would tell him his father's life.Spring Festival this year,my wife and I visit the pet market in time to see a VIP only,it looks to my eyes,it's demeanor toward me,like,too much like,and handsome.I christian louboutin sale threw three coins in front of me even more determined to buy the dog,the day I bought a lot a lot of dog supplies,back home the next day,a miracle happened,and it is my intention to say a few hands of the next day,it will even shake hands,it makes me feel more accidents,but also make me more like it,yet just 3 days It was sick,go to the hospital to identify canine distemper and canine parvovirus,and I give it to find the attending physician,and the doctor said,optimistic,and I'll give you extra money,if you bullish on it.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Zheng is back people from Yunnan

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fifth first: Wang Wei's \cornel but one person. omesickness poem was wandering. a foreign land different soil sad lonely life, so people often think nostalgia encountered Festival Auspicious, miss doubly. poetic repeated jumping, subtle deep, both simple Naturally, it twists and turns that cause. sixth first: \, so flows. My Fair Lady, Wu Mei request of. could wish for, Wu Mei SiFu. leisurely leisurely, tossing and turning. varies Nymphoides, about mining the. My Fair Lady, music masters of. varied Nymphoides, about hair. My Fair Lady, music of bells and drums. \poetry, there are many, many of them famous through the ages, but especially \/ p>