Sunday 13 February 2011

Many dragons cured water and produced power to falsely place

A, the explicit property person arrange and enhance to conduct a management style and deepen a stateowned financial property management further system reform
Our country the stateowned financial property scale is huge, the stateowned capital of banking financing institution takes up above 80% of all financial industry stateowned capitals, is been to the position of absolute predominance.Currently stateowned financial property management style, exist four greatest problems.One is a proprietor corpus to lack.Government is professional makes ownership job in didn,t make several working talent sections share a property person is working talent but no man to have a financial property for the country to be responsible for truely public management working talent and proprietor working talent separately, many dragons cured water and produced power to falsely place.Two is that the governor isn,t explicit.Under several management systems, the human rights, matter power and wealth power asunder incline to in the different section, each section policy target and benefits of the difference make the decision that the easy formation difference turns in the process of managing the stateowned financial property.Three is that incentive mechanism isn,t good enough.Because the existence government administration working talent and business enterprise manage a crossing of working talent, the Yao forms a stateowned financial business enterprise to encourage the diversification that the policy peace treaty folds hands a segment and excessively turns, the Yao formation results investigates of the administration direction turn.

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