Sunday 16 January 2011

Under the police is help of Sichuan

Win new agency stone Chuang in the house to give or get an electric shock(Chen Lin accompany the Ning fight) police department in stone house Chuang City, Hebei to reveal on the 29th on December 29, under the police is help of Sichuan, the bureau lasts to bust a public security official for two months the department director"9 · 26" heavy greatly make the poison illegal drug selling target case especially, successfully beat to across Chuan to hope two to save of two system poison illegal drug selling crime regiment, totally arrest crime suspect is 5.At the same time, pay to get the drug"ice poison" 4.5 kilograms and assist to anticipate 1700 grams of, the liquid"ice poison"21.06 kilograms, numb the thou is 350 grains of, Du cold D slice is 200 grains, imitate "64" type pistols a , bullet 3 hair, check to button up to be involved funds more than CNY 10000120.

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